Bexleyheath Ward

Bexleyheath Ward is home to approximately 15,000+ residents. Covering from Gravel Hill, along the A2 towards London, upto Upton Lane and into the town past the Broadway right upto Bexley Bus Garage and touching Crayford along Watling Street, this is a very big ward for the London Borough of Bexley.

The ward consists of a mixture of houses, flats, apartments and Bexley’s busiest shopping district – The Broadway Bexleyheath. The ward is fortunate to have some great restaurants including some large franchises like Nando’s and supermarkets like Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencers along with its very own premium hotel, The Marriot.

Located where we are, means that we are an ideal place for people to live and work with in London are perhaps deeper into Kent. The wards range of schools means that children can stay within the ward right upto leaving secondary school. Bexleyheath Ward is a ward which Councillor Rags Sandhu is extremely proud to represent, if you have any questions or concerns about the ward, please feel free to contact Rags directly here.

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